025-84209270 yansheng.shao@njheguan.com               400-000-5336
  • Date: 2014 - 10 - 30
    产品:耐热玻璃水壶 1200ml颜色:绿色 / 白色 / 紫色 / 粉色 / 蓝色尺寸:245×137×92mm材质:高硼硅玻璃+食品级硅胶产品特点:耐热高硼硅玻璃与食品级硅胶组合,呈现一款每家每户家居必备的日用水壶。        最安全的饮水器具,水壶选用高硼硅耐热玻璃,耐酸性为一级,耐碱性为A级,膨胀系数低,其瞬间承受温差可达-20℃-130℃。壶盖采用德国进口医用级瓦克硅胶制作,绝无异味,健康安全,保证更持久柔软性,耐用性够厚够份量,才能够耐热。壁厚加厚至2.8mm,净重达500克,具有更高的耐冲击强度及更好耐热性。经过1200度高温烘烤,人工吹制成形。每一个产品都独一无二,1200ml大容量,居家必备。大容量水壶每天添水2~4次,满足一家人一天的喝水需求。
  • Date: 2014 - 10 - 30
    选用布料 : 韩国进口网布/意大利进口牛皮坐垫泡棉:座垫采用高弹性泡棉,一次性发泡成型机械扶手:4D扶手,可以升降,扶手面可以左右摆动座椅机构:意大利进口机构 ,进口倾仰机构,进口气压棒活动轮脚:高强度铝合金五星脚,抛光处理选用基材:高密度微粒板、纤维板,抗弯力强,不易变形基材选用进口中、高密度微粒板、纤维板,抗弯力强,不易变形油漆德国百德润,渗透性和附着力特强,与木材持久结合,与传统树脂类涂料不同的是木材可以自由呼吸,随气候变化得到调节可延缓变形,最大程度避免开裂。气泡、渣点,颜色均匀;德国“百德润”环保聚酯漆,5遍面漆,3遍底漆。其性能达到耐火、耐污、耐酸、耐磨经全自动滚漆干燥机加工,色泽均匀一致,不出现退色、返白现象,耐污、耐火、耐酸、耐磨产品表面平坦光滑,无划伤、开裂和变形,平整度达到≤2mm可选参数台面颜色/材质
  • Date: 2014 - 10 - 30
    食品材料:精选马来西亚大盐虾、马铃薯、西洋花、圣女果可选酱料:黑椒汁、葱香汁、甜酸酱可选配菜:意粉、法式面包使用食油:橄榄油是否油腻:少许油腻供应时间:12:00 - 16:00 1. 虾营养丰富,且其肉质松软,易消化,对身体虚弱以及病后需要调养的人是极好的食物;2. 虾中含有丰富的镁,镁,对心脏,活动具有有重要的调节作用,能很好的保护心血管系统,它可减少血液中胆固醇含量,防止动脉硬化,同时还能扩张冠状动脉,有利于预防高血压及心肌梗死;3. 虾的通乳作用较强,并且富含磷、钙、对小儿、孕妇尤有补益功效;4. 日本大阪大学的科学家最近发现,虾体内的虾青素有助于消除因时差反应而产生的“时差症”。虾忌与某些水果同吃。虾含有比较丰富的蛋白质和钙等营养物质。如果把它们与含有鞣酸的水果,如葡萄石榴、山楂、柿子等同食,不仅会降低蛋白质的营养价值,而且鞣酸和钙离子结合形成不溶性结合物刺激肠胃,引起人体不适,出现呕吐、头晕、恶心和腹痛腹泻等症状。海鲜与这些水果同吃至少应间隔2小时。中老年人、孕妇、心血管病患者、肾虚阳痿、男性不育症、腰脚无力之人更适合食用;同时适宜中老年人缺钙所致的小腿抽筋者食用;宿疾者、正值上火之时不宜食虾;体质过敏,如患过敏性鼻炎、支气管炎、反复发作性过敏性皮炎的老年人不宜吃虾;另外虾为动风发物,患有皮肤疥癣者忌食。
  • Date: 2014 - 10 - 30
    灯罩辅材质: PMMA高透光率灯罩灯身辅材质: ABS+五金底盘体积: <0.5m毛重: 3.2KG 灯身主材质: ABS+五金底盘 颜色分类: 方形【客厅25-30㎡】LED三段分控型 圆形-双段分控升级版【卧室10-15㎡】LED带夜灯模式 圆形-单控型【卧室10-15㎡】LED非分控款灯罩主材质: PMMA高透光率灯罩光源 类型: LED工艺: 镂空雕花光源个数: 1照射面积: 10m^2 -15m^2灯具是否带光源: 带光源电压: 220V功率: 22W 适用空间: 餐厅 书房 卧室 其他/other 小卧 会议室 小客厅风格: 简约现代        不同光源的灯具适用的场所各有不同,如使用普通白炽灯泡、荧光灯的吸顶灯主要用于居家、教室、办公楼等空间层高为4米左右场所的照明;功率和光源体积较大的高强度气体放电灯主要用于体育场馆、大卖场及厂房等层高在4至9米等场所的照明。为了既能为工作面取得足够的高度,同时又能省电,荧光吸顶灯通常是家居、学校、商店和办公室照明的首选。
  • Date: 2014 - 10 - 30
    商品名称:KUMATV四核版(黑色)商品编号:1086364品牌:KUMA(10moons)商品重:0.736kg商品产地:中国大陆系统:Android功能:点播,游戏,教育,购物,多屏互动,健康,本地播放        数字机顶盒不仅是用户终端,还是网络终端,它能使模拟电视机从被动接收模拟电视转向交互式数字电视(如视频点播等),并能接入因特网,使用户享受电视、数据、语言等全方位的信 息服务。目前,有些人认为机顶盒就是用来使电视机上网,这是一种认识上的误区。实际上,数字机顶盒是走在普及数字电视机之前的宽带综合信息网的组成成员之一。随着数字技术、多媒体技术和网络技术的发展,将促使数字机顶盒内置和整个成本下降,让大多数用户在普通模拟电视机上实现既能娱乐,又能上网等多种服务。
Product Products
Products / Products
  • Date: 2019 - 10 - 18
    We boldly state that the ALPHA II will succeed in all FT-IR applications in any industry, whether it is quantification, identification of unknowns, verification of raw materials, quality control or basic entry-level research.
    FTIR for routine
  • Date: 2019 - 10 - 18
    The INVENIO is made to innovate from routine quality control to advancedresearch and development. Whether you focus on productivity, precision or if you must comply to extensive regulations, the INVENIO supports youin every regard.
    FTIR for research

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产品名称: ALPHA II


Intro: FTIR for routine
Shell Fabric: We boldly state that the ALPHA II will succeed in all FT-IR applications in any industry, whether it is quantification, identification of unknowns, verification of raw materials, quality control or basic entry-level research.
Type: Ease of Use and EfficiencyOperating the ALPHA II is meant to be effortless and straightforward, regardless of whether you use the integrated touch PC or an external computer.On one hand, OPUS TOUCH offers you minimal training time for new users and an accelerated analysis experience. In addition, the optional touch PC further reduces the overall footprint of the system, making it easier to transport the instrument.On the other hand, the use of an external PC offers you an even richer feature set that leaves nothing to be desired from the most advanced users. The desktop version also features guided workflows for standard tasks, supporting FT-IR beginners.Design Follows ApplicationThe ALPHA II lets you chemically analyze any kind of sample, may it be solid, liquid or gas. Valuable paintings, brilliant diamonds and excellent wines can also be analyzed by the ALPHA II easily and efficiently.At the core of this approach are the QuickSnapTM sampling modules, which allow the instrument to be tailored to the specific analytical task. These modules are safely and securely locked into place, making the ALPHA II a dedicated analyzer.And if the requirements change? Then the spectrometer can be adapted just as quickly to new tasks. That’s why the design of the ALPHA II will always follow your application.A RockSolid™ FoundationWe are proud to say that the ALPHA II is the most robust and reliable compact IR spectrometer available. Its RockSolidTM interferometer is wear-free and resistant to shocks and vibrations.Apart from that, it offers an advanced stabilization of the IR source and features a  durable diode laser with a life-time 10 years. It is operated by patented technology and consistently achieves highest wavenumber accuracy and spectral stability.No matter what happens during your measurements, your spectra will always look exactly as they should. You can count on its reliability. Everyday. Anytime.


The ALPHA II is intensively used in the polymer industry. The ALPHA II inspects incoming raw materials, test finished products and investigate coated surfaces. One of the biggest user benefits, are Bruker's dedicated, up-to-date and ready-to-use methods to identify and characterize recently introduced polymers and fillers.


Early on, Bruker decided to design their software with the needs of pharmaceutical companies in mind. Therefore, OPUS and OPUS Touch follow the ALCOA+ principle and are 100% compliant with all major pharmacopoeias and of course 21 CFR part 11. Whether locally or on a server, the ALPHA II ensures data integrity and security.

Industrial Manufacturing & Automotive

Infrared spectroscopy is a decisive tool in industrial applications, whether automated and in-line or manual and off-line. The ALPHA II is used to investigate coatings, used oils, finished products and much more.


The ALPHA II is the most modern approach to FT-IR spectroscopy. Its optional touch-PC gets students interested and quickly involved with science. Its rugged, maintenance-free lets it withstand even the toughest chemistry teaching labs.


Several accessories and toolkits are available to turn the ALPHA II into a quantification power house. Check water in oil, API concentrations, the amount of deuterium oxide in H2O or even the residual ammonia in parquet flooring. Multiple quantification methods facilitate reporting and documentation of results.

Food & Beverage

As a reliable analyzer for wine, must and juices, the ALPHA II has found widespread use across the world. It analyzes sugar, alcohol and other contents in an efficient, fast and affordable manner. It is also used in FOA (foreign object analysis), identifying unknown contaminations in processed or packaged foods.

Forensic Drug Analysis

Our exclusive TICTAC spectral library for drug analysis that contains traditional as well as newly introduced drugs and illegal substances. On top of that, its ease-of-use and the ability to quickly move it between operation sites make it an useful tool for governmental institutions like police or border control.

Artefacts & Jewellery

Historical works of art and jewellery have one thing in common: both are precious. The ALPHA II is applied in the restoration of historical paintings, buildings and artwork, and is also an affordable tool for the identification and type classification of diamonds and other gemstones.


One of the many environmental applications is the analysis of microplastics. Particles >500 µm are placed onto the ALPHA II, and a special “high pressure” accessory guarantees spectral quality. Additionally, the ALPHA II is also used to analyze and classify soils as well as other environmental pollutants.


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We boldly state that the ALPHA II will succeed in all FT-IR applications in any industry, whether it is quantification, identification of unknowns, verification of raw materials, quality control or basic entry-level research.

Ease of Use and Efficiency

Operating the ALPHA II is meant to be effortless and straightforward, regardless of whether you use the integrated touch PC or an external computer.

On one hand, OPUS TOUCH offers you minimal training time for new users and an accelerated analysis experience. In addition, the optional touch PC further reduces the overall footprint of the system, making it easier to transport the instrument.

On the other hand, the use of an external PC offers you an even richer feature set that leaves nothing to be desired from the most advanced users. The desktop version also features guided workflows for standard tasks, supporting FT-IR beginners.

Design Follows Application

The ALPHA II lets you chemically analyze any kind of sample, may it be solid, liquid or gas. Valuable paintings, brilliant diamonds and excellent wines can also be analyzed by the ALPHA II easily and efficiently.

At the core of this approach are the QuickSnapTM sampling modules, which allow the instrument to be tailored to the specific analytical task. These modules are safely and securely locked into place, making the ALPHA II a dedicated analyzer.

And if the requirements change? Then the spectrometer can be adapted just as quickly to new tasks. That’s why the design of the ALPHA II will always follow your application.

A RockSolid™ Foundation

We are proud to say that the ALPHA II is the most robust and reliable compact IR spectrometer available. Its RockSolidTM interferometer is wear-free and resistant to shocks and vibrations.

Apart from that, it offers an advanced stabilization of the IR source and features a  durable diode laser with a life-time >10 years. It is operated by patented technology and consistently achieves highest wavenumber accuracy and spectral stability.

No matter what happens during your measurements, your spectra will always look exactly as they should. You can count on its reliability. Everyday. Anytime.


The ALPHA II is intensively used in the polymer industry. The ALPHA II inspects incoming raw materials, test finished products and investigate coated surfaces. One of the biggest user benefits, are Bruker's dedicated, up-to-date and ready-to-use methods to identify and characterize recently introduced polymers and fillers.


Early on, Bruker decided to design their software with the needs of pharmaceutical companies in mind. Therefore, OPUS and OPUS Touch follow the ALCOA+ principle and are 100% compliant with all major pharmacopoeias and of course 21 CFR part 11. Whether locally or on a server, the ALPHA II ensures data integrity and security.

Industrial Manufacturing & Automotive

Infrared spectroscopy is a decisive tool in industrial applications, whether automated and in-line or manual and off-line. The ALPHA II is used to investigate coatings, used oils, finished products and much more.


The ALPHA II is the most modern approach to FT-IR spectroscopy. Its optional touch-PC gets students interested and quickly involved with science. Its rugged, maintenance-free lets it withstand even the toughest chemistry teaching labs.


Several accessories and toolkits are available to turn the ALPHA II into a quantification power house. Check water in oil, API concentrations, the amount of deuterium oxide in H2O or even the residual ammonia in parquet flooring. Multiple quantification methods facilitate reporting and documentation of results.

Food & Beverage

As a reliable analyzer for wine, must and juices, the ALPHA II has found widespread use across the world. It analyzes sugar, alcohol and other contents in an efficient, fast and affordable manner. It is also used in FOA (foreign object analysis), identifying unknown contaminations in processed or packaged foods.

Forensic Drug Analysis

Our exclusive TICTAC spectral library for drug analysis that contains traditional as well as newly introduced drugs and illegal substances. On top of that, its ease-of-use and the ability to quickly move it between operation sites make it an useful tool for governmental institutions like police or border control.

Artefacts & Jewellery

Historical works of art and jewellery have one thing in common: both are precious. The ALPHA II is applied in the restoration of historical paintings, buildings and artwork, and is also an affordable tool for the identification and type classification of diamonds and other gemstones.


One of the many environmental applications is the analysis of microplastics. Particles >500 µm are placed onto the ALPHA II, and a special “high pressure” accessory guarantees spectral quality. Additionally, the ALPHA II is also used to analyze and classify soils as well as other environmental pollutants.


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  • FTIR for research
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    市场价: 0 RMB
    Date: 2019 - 10 - 18
Nanjing Heguan Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.
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